Un Bac +2 Magie, ça existe !https://doublefond-formation.com/wp-content/uploads/Alexis-12-coups-de-midi.jpg620879AdminAdminhttps://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/310d3289abda0d91d938cb13709cca4a?s=96&d=mm&r=g
Alexis fait partie de ces jeunes passionnés de magie qui ont passé leur certification professionnelle dans l’école du Double Fond 🎓 Bravo à lui 👏🤩 Nous sommes fiers et heureux de pouvoir transmettre notre amour pour cet art si merveilleux qu’est la magie. Et en plus c’est la première fois au monde qu’il existe un diplôme reconnu par l’Etat pour ce métier. Vive la France !
« Une académie unique au monde » – Le Point.https://doublefond-formation.com/wp-content/uploads/1-1.jpg10801080AdminAdminhttps://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/310d3289abda0d91d938cb13709cca4a?s=96&d=mm&r=g
Merci Le Point pour cet article sur notre école 🤩 Devenez magicien professionnel en suivant notre cursus diplômant d’un niveau Bac + 2 Ou développez vos compétences, avec nos modules de formation éligibles au titre du CPF 😊 Une formation qui est susceptible de vous intéresser ? « Une académie unique au monde » – Le Point.
Thank you Le Point for this article about our school 🤩 Become a professional magician with our two year technical degree diploma training. Or develop your skills, with our CPF-eligible training modules 😊 Are you interested in one of our training class ?
UNE CERTIFICATION PROFESSIONNELLE RECONNUE PAR L’ÉTAT !https://doublefond-formation.com/wp-content/uploads/DOUBLE-FOND-80-scaled.jpg25601708AdminAdminhttps://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/310d3289abda0d91d938cb13709cca4a?s=96&d=mm&r=g
Avec l’école de magie du Double Fond, obtenez une certification professionnelle de magicien reconnue par l’Etat (la première au monde) 😁🤩
Apprenez gratuitement la magie grâce au dispositif CPF
Votre formation de magie peut être financée à 100%. 😄
With the Double Fond magic school, get a state-recognized professional certification in magic (the first in the world) 😁🤩
FORMEZ-VOUS AU MÉTIER DE MAGICIEN !https://doublefond-formation.com/wp-content/uploads/Visuel-CPF-modifie-1.png19201280AdminAdminhttps://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/310d3289abda0d91d938cb13709cca4a?s=96&d=mm&r=g
Devenez magicien professionnel en suivant notre cursus diplômant d’un niveau Bac + 2
Ou développez vos compétences, avec nos modules de formation éligibles au titre du CPF 😊
Une formation qui est susceptible de vous intéresser ?
Cours de Magie avec Alexandra Duvivierhttps://doublefond-formation.com/wp-content/uploads/2023-10-27_13h56_25.png1242637AdminAdminhttps://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/310d3289abda0d91d938cb13709cca4a?s=96&d=mm&r=g
Merci à C8 et à Yoann Latouche Et si vous preniez des cours de magie ? Vous pourriez même en offrir ou vous en faire offrir à Noël 😁
Thanks to C8 and Yoann Latouche What if you took magic lessons? You could even give one as a present or have one given to you at Christmas 😁
Learn magic to become a professional magicianhttps://doublefond-formation.com/wp-content/uploads/alexandra-et-dominique-duvivier-createurs-de-l-ecole-de-magie-double-fond-formation-a-paris-1.jpg1024683AdminAdminhttps://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/310d3289abda0d91d938cb13709cca4a?s=96&d=mm&r=g
You want to become a professional magician ? You have been passionate about magic since your childhood and want to participate in this prestigious universe ? Mentalisme, illusions, magie du spectacle, close-up et tours de magie bluffant, au sein de notre école de magie à Paris, il n’y a pas d’âge pour apprendre la magie. We open the doors to an art and a school unique in France. At the end of your training, you will be able to fully practice your profession as a magician.
Learn from the best French magicians
Apprendre la magie est désormais accessible à tous ! Avec internet, les cours de magie à distance et les tutos vous donnent la possibilité d’apprendre beaucoup plus facilement la magie. Sachez que l’illusionnisme et la magie sont un art à part entière. Apprendre la magie seul peut être limité et limitant. Venir prendre des cours de magie dans notre école de magie à Paris, c’est apprendre et développer vos dons de prestidigitateur, surprendre vos spectateurs, créer des liens magiques et être formés par les meilleurs magiciens français. Dominique Duvivier, President and his daughter AlexandraDuvivier, Philippe de Perthuis, Benoît Rosemont, Jean-Pierre Crispon… Non, vous ne rêvez pas ! Nous l’avons fait ! Cerise sur le gâteau : Eric Antoine , is the sponsor of our training !
In good humor and interactivity, the secrets of magic and magic techniques are taught to you by illusionist artists and professional magicians. Practical, technical and staging the show, your knowledge and experience will only be exponential thanks to our training. We also give you the opportunity to follow our magic training remotely. You choose, magic, right?
A little nod to Adeline Galland, our manager and communications manager. Pedagogical manager of our school, she moved heaven and earth so that the diploma of Magician BAC +2 sees the light of day !
Ecole de magie à Paris Double Fond Formation
How to learn magic ?
Today, there are several ways to learn magic. Magic books, videos and tutorials on YouTube, magic shops or magic clubs. Many schools of magic have emerged in France. Double Fond Formation remains, however, the one and only school of magic that allows you to obtain a diploma or a validation of your professional skills. Magic courses, magic training from 10 hours to 80 hours or certification and course modules of more than 550 hours, we give you the choice of your learning.
Magic lessons accessible to all
To meet growing demand, we wanted to pass on our art and our passion by creating a certification and diploma school. Gone are the hours of trying to learn "magic tricks" on your own. How to become a magician? Learn magic as an adult. Yes, we give you the opportunity to do so. Remotely or face-to-face, our magic class remain accessible to all.
A school of magic in the 4th arrondissement of Paris
Our magic school is located in Paris, in the 4th arrondissement of the capital. Easily accessible with the metro lines Saint Paul station (line 1) and Pont Marie station (line 2), you will reach us easily. If you are by bus, Buses 69, 76, 96, Saint Paul stop will take you to our school. Finally, the Indigo Paris Pont Marie car park is only 600 meters from our magic school.
With Double Fond Formation, you learn the art of staging, the secrets of magic from professionals. You save time and efficiency.
Become a magician and convey the values of magic
Our offer of professional magician training is part of a desire to convey the values of magic to enthusiasts wishing to practice the practice of this art.
For both amateur and professional, the magician training course of our school includes a rewarding and professionally recognized certification.
A unique magic school in France : Double Fond Formation
Our magic school, Double Fond Formation, is unique in France. Located in Paris, in the 4th arrondissement of the capital, this school was designed and created to make magic accessible to all. We allow you to obtain a magic diploma, recognized by the French State, at BAC+2 level.
Remotely or face-to-face, the magic school Double Fond Formation gives you the opportunity to to become a magician, to discover magic and all the culture of enchantment that it has aroused for centuries.
A la carte training, online or face-to-face, we give you the keys to fully exercise your profession and satisfy your passion.
Diplome de magie – Ecole de magie à Paris
1. Where to learn magic ?
To learn magic, we invite you to come to our training center dedicated to the world of prestidigitation. We give you several possibilities to to become a magician :
en présentiel, avec plus de 500 heures de magic training ;
remotely, if your geographical distance is significant or if you have professional or family requirements ;
À la carte avec des magic class de 10 heures à 80 heures.
How to be a magician? How become a professional magician as a hobbyist ? These are questions that come up very often. Many candidate magicians ask us these questions.
In the performing arts, illusionist magicians are very popular. Card tricks, Chinese rings, coin tricks, mentalism or close-up, our magic lessons take place in an event venue known to all, the café-théâtre entirely devoted to magic, the Double Fond.
Apprendre la magie avec des magiciens professionnels à Paris
2. Our magic training
Our Training Offer was created thanks to the initiative of Dominique Duvivier, a prestigious magician, exercising his passion and his profession in Paris. Graduate, our magic training program is based on 4 blocks of skills :
Culture and practice of magic
Setting-up an act / show
Interpretation of a number / show
Business development and management
The 4 modules represent a total of 550 hours of training. We also estimate that 2,800 hours of personal work is required to master the art of illusion and staging.
Finally, a final exam allows you to obtain a professional magic degree recognized by the French and European States.
This certification is equivalent to a bac + 2 level. You also have the possibility of validating your professional skills (VAP) and obtaining a funding for your magic training thanks to CFP. In addition, we allow you to pay in installments free of charge. Magic, right ?
3. The objectives of our training : devenir un vrai magicien !
3. The objectives of our professional magic training are to make you discover the secrets for become a real magician, to practice exclusive and professional magic.
We give you all the cards to live from your passion and your profession: magic lessons (close-up, mentalism, magic for children…), show and staging, creation of illusion and management of a company.
This magic that gives meaning to a show, the one that creates the illusion, the one that reveal your talent to live unforgettable moments with your public or your guests.
Des formations de magie courtes : de 10 heures à 80 heures
Depending on your geographical distance and your availability, we also offer short magic training courses :
10 hours magic training ;
20 hours magic training ;
40 hours magic training ;
80 hours magic training.
We offer you a rhythm oflearning magic as you want. In face-to-face or remotely.. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.
"A la carte" magic training, Double Fond school, with Alexandra Duvivier
4. Realize your dream, belong to the family of magicianss
Magic is an art that has survived the centuries. The effect of surprise and admiration that can be read on the faces of the spectators remains a unique moment.
We give you the codes to use your talent. Advice, discipline, experience, you will emerge transformed from our training. You will never be alone again. You will belong to the great family of magicians..
Students who have become magicians thanks to the Double Fond Formation magic school
A BAC +2 magician diploma, recognized by the French StateFrançais
Magic allows you to quickly create a direct and deep contact with your audience. To become a magician, you need rigor, developing perfect mastery of the different manipulation techniques and working on the presentation of each scene number. The path to learning magic is long. He is infinite. It remains magical at all times.
A BAC +2 magician diploma, recognized by the French State
Learn from the best French magicians et illusionnistes français
The strengths of our school are many. The creators, Dominique and Alexandra Duvivier, wanted you to benefit from all their experience acquired over the years. Magic of the spectacle, magic of emotions, performing art and staging of illusion.
Our Double Fond Formation trainers and pedagogical team
Come to our school of magic in Paris
If you want to know more about our school of magic and its diploma course ? Feel free to contact us.. Magical moments guaranteed in our company ! To join us, consult our training program and do not hesitate to visit us.
Our training center is located in Paris, in the 4th arrondissement of the capital, 1 Pl. du Marché Sainte-Catherine, 75004 Paris.
The first magician graduation (class of 2019-2020)https://doublefond-formation.com/wp-content/uploads/des-eleves-devenus-magiciens-grace-au-double-fond-formation.jpg00AdminAdminhttps://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/310d3289abda0d91d938cb13709cca4a?s=96&d=mm&r=g
Première remise de diplôme de magie Double Fond Formation
Congratulations to our new graduates ! We are so proud of them and their hard work! We wish them all the best to succeed and achieve their dreams in this wonderful world of magic!
First graduates to practice the profession of magician
They are the first graduates of our state-recognized Magician certification and therefore the first in the world... but not the last ! They each chose a magic training program at their convenience. The result is there : they came out stronger, better trained and armed for fully exercise their profession.. France is the first country to recognize the validity of a Magician diploma. What an honor !
Congratulations also to our teaching team at the Double Fond Formation school :
Exceptional jury of the Double Fond Formation with Boris Wild, Laurent Beretta, Alexandra Duvivier and Bruno Podalydés
After 10 months of intensive magic training, our first class of students were finally able to receive their French state-recognized magician's diploma ! Our pedagogical Team gave the best of herself, in joy and good humor, while transmitting her knowledge.
They were noted by a exceptional jury, consisting of Boris Wild, Laurent Beretta, Bruno Podalydés and Alexandra Duvivier, director and trainer of the school of Double Fond Formation.
Student magicians won over by our magic training
Each of our students presented a minimum of 3 magic tricks on which they were evaluated on their technique, presentation and originality.
They rose to the challenge and can now use their learning to fulfill their dreams and become great professional magicians !
Professional Magician Diploma FundingThe first magician graduation (class of 2019-2020)Diplome de magie – Ecole de magie à ParisHappy students and magiciansDiploma school of magic in ParisConquered student magiciansA rewarding magic certificationAlexandra Duvivier, trainer and director at Double Fond FormationRecognized student magicians
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